Machine-Room-Less traction lifts

standard passenger traction lift
of 900 kg (12 persons) load and two entrances to a car located at an angle of 90°. It is a smallest angular lift that meets the requirements of the Polish Construction Code regarding accessibility for disabled persons.
The lift is produced up to ISO 9001 standards and meets the European Lift Directive 2014/33/EU requirements.
The cabin’s structure of dimensions: width x depth = 1,4 x 1,4 m and the doors of 0,9 m width easy enables maneuvering of a wheelchair inside. The lift has equipped with a gearless drive unit equipped with a VVVF frequency converter. It is characterized by travelling speed of 1 m/s, very high travelling comfort, low noise emission and accurate stopping of the cabin at stop level. In case of power supply failure (blackout), a UPS unit (device of batteries – 230 V) will enable the lift to travel at nearest stop open doors opening and let the passengers leave the cabin. Moreover, the UPS unit enables the manual lift control in case of passengers emergency freeing.
The drive unit is mounted on the top of the guides and that solution enables the forces to be transmit down the shaft bottom. Thanks to it, the lift’s shaft is a lighter and much cheaper construction.
The lift is used in higher buildings up to 12 stops (35 m).
Use: in high residential and office buildings, hotels, public buildings.