Construction guidelines for hydraulic lifts
in typical version
- The shaft is designed exclusively for the lift and do not install in it other equipment or conduit runs or pipelines. An exception is heating equipment if it does not use hot steam or water under pressure. However, install control and regulation devices of heating apparatuses outside the shaft.
- Separate the shaft from environment with walls, a floor and a ceiling or sufficient space.
- If sills of successive landing doors are one from another in a distance of more than 11 m, install in the shaft an emergency door so that the distance between their sills is not greater than 11 m.
- Ventilate the shaft suitably. Do not use the shaft to secure ventilation of other rooms that do not belong to the lift. It is recommended to locate ventilation holes in the shaft headroom of a nominal area of 1% of the shaft horizontal cross-section.
- The walls mechanical strength should be such that when a force of 300 N is applied in any place perpendicularly to the wall from one or other side and evenly distributed on a wheel or a square area of 5 cm2, the walls do not show plastic strain or elastic strain higher than 1,5 cm.
- In particular cases, partly housed glass panes are admissible. Select the guards size in such a way to secure safety and unable the lift operation disturbance by persons staying in normally accessible places. A standard provides a height of at least 3,50 m on the landing door side and at least 2,50 m on other sides and the guard horizontal distance not shorter than 0,50 m from the lift moving parts.
- Walls or guards made of glass should have a laminated structure.
- The lift shaft wall below the landing door every sill should be continuous and made of smooth, hard materials.
- The pit floor should carry the loads coming from the shaft assemblies, and in the places of the car buffers or the counterbalancing mass impact, the pit floor should carry quadruple loads.
- It is recommended not to locate the lift shaft over the spaces accessible for people. If below the shaft are other free spaces, assume the load not lower than 5,000 N/m2 during designing the pit base.
- If the pit depth of the shaft exceeds 2,50 m and the building conditions permit, an additional maintenance / emergency door should be installed in the pit. If this is not possible, other measures should be taken to allow the authorized person to descend safely to the pit.
- The shaft pit should be impermeable for water or oils and the floor should be smooth.
- Make the shaft walls of non-dusty materials or fixed with a non-dusty coat.
- Maintain the temperature in the internal shaft or outside the building border from +5 to +40oC.
- The shaft walls should enable mounting of guides and doors brackets.
- The distances between the lift closed landing doors and the opposite wall should be:
- 1,6 m for passenger lifts
- 1,8 m for small goods lifts
- 3 m for hospital, goods and goods-passenger lifts
- The lift drive units should not transmit vibrations on the building structure.
- Install girders or assembly hooks in the shaft ceiling to enable lifting of the lift heavy elements during assembly or repairs.
- The shaft should be provided with the lighting of illumination intensity of at least 50 lux at a height of 1 m above the roof of the cabin at its any position. The lowest and highest of the lamps should be placed at a height of 0,5 m above and below the extreme points of the shaft.
Hydraulic lift machine room
- Locate the lift drive units and the equipment related with them in a special room with solid walls, a ceiling and a door and restrict the access only for authorized persons.
- Do not use the machine room for other purposes than related to the lift.
- Make the machine room walls of non-dusty materials or protect them with a non-dusty coat. The floor should not be slippery.
- The entrance door, opened outside, should have a minimum width of 0,6 m and minimum height of 1,4 m.
- The dimensions should enable safe and easy work with equipment, especially electrical. The height of free working spaces in the light should not be lower than 2 m and in the moving zones, not lower than 1,8 m.
- The machine room should be suitably and independently ventilated.
- Install girders or assembly hooks in the shaft ceiling to enable lifting of the lift heavy elements during assembly or repairs.
- Maintain the temperature in the machine room from +5 to +40oC.
- Location of the lift machine rooms near apartments is forbidden.
- It is allowed to apply a freestanding prefabricated machine room according to the lift manufacturer guidelines.
Construction guidelines for electric lifts
in typical version
- The shaft is designed exclusively for the lift and do not install in it other equipment or conduit runs or pipelines. An exception is heating equipment if it does not use hot steam or water under pressure. However, install control and regulation devices of heating apparatuses outside the shaft.
- Separate the shaft from environment with walls, a floor and a ceiling or sufficient space.
- The shafts of lifts with electric drive in a multifamily apartment building and collective living should be dilated from walls and floors. This requirement is not applied in case the shaft is separated from apartments with rooms that are not designed for permanent stay of people and in case of hydraulic lifts, small goods lifts, lifts with lower or side machine room as well as the lifts with gearless hoisting winches with the reservation of the § 96 section 1/ The ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure on technical conditions that should be met by buildings and their location (The Journal of Laws No. 75, item 690).
- If sills of successive landing doors are one from another in a distance of more than 11 m, install in the shaft an emergency door so that the distance between their sills is not greater than 11 m.
- Ventilate the shaft suitably. Do not use the shaft to secure ventilation of other rooms that do not belong to the lift. It is recommended to locate ventilation holes in the shaft headroom of a nominal area of 1% of the shaft horizontal cross-section.
- The walls mechanical strength should be such that when a force of 300 N is applied in any place perpendicularly to the wall from one or other side and evenly distributed on a wheel or a square area of 5 cm2, the walls do not show plastic strain or elastic strain higher than 1,5 cm.
- In particular cases, partly housed glass panes are admissible. Select the guards size in such a way to secure safety and unable the lift operation disturbance by persons staying in normally accessible places. A standard provides a height of at least 3,50 m on the landing door side and alt least 2,50 m on other sides and the guard horizontal distance not shorter than 0,50 m from the lift mowing parts.
- If the walls or guards are made of glass, use laminated glass in generally accessible places.
- The lift shaft wall below the landing door every sill should be continuous and made of smooth, hard materials.
- The pit floor should carry the loads coming from the shaft assemblies, and in the places of the car buffers or the counterbalancing mass impact, the pit floor should carry quadruple loads.
- It is recommended to locate the lift shaft over the spaces accessible for people. If below the shaft are other free spaces, assume the load not lower than 5,000 N/m2 during designing the pit base.
- The shaft pit should be impermeable for water or oils and the floor should be smooth.
- Make the shaft walls of non-dusty materials or fixed with a non-dusty coat.
- Maintain the temperature in the internal shaft or outside the building border from +5 to +40oC.
- The shaft walls should enable mounting of guides and doors brackets.
- The distances between the lift closed landing doors and the opposite wall should be:
- 1,6 m for passenger lifts
- 1,8 m for small goods lifts
- 3 m for hospital, goods and goods-passenger lifts
- The lift drive units should not transmit vibrations on the building structure.
- Install girders or assembly hooks in the shaft ceiling to enable lifting of the lift heavy elements during assembly or repairs.
- The shaft should be provided with the lighting of illumination intensity of at least 50 lux at a height of 1 m above the roof of the cabin at its any position. The lowest and highest of the lamps should be placed at a height of 0,5 m above and below the extreme points of the shaft.
The above information is of general character. Detailed guidelines are contained in standards regarding lifts and in the building regulations.