Lifts with low pit and headroom - designed for the existing buildings
GREEN LIFT® - FLUITRONIC® 81.21 MRL-T (GLF 81.21 MRL-T) is a standard hydraulic lift of loads from 320 kg (4 persons) up to 630 kg (8 persons) based on EN 81-21 standard. The lift is designed for existing buildings in which it is impossible to use a full pit and/or headroom. Thanks to the additional safety devices it was possible to reduce the pit to 45 cm and the headroom to 275 cm.
The lift is equipped with a power unit of a shape of a vertical column that is located in the pit near the guides. Thanks to it the whole device is situated in the shaft.
The lifts adapted for disabled persons
are these of 630 kg load.
are these of 630 kg load.
CAD / dwg drawings / dimensions
ver. 4.1 - 25.06.2015
ver. 1.1 - 02.02.2015
ver. 4.1 - 25.06.2015
ver. 1.1 - 08.01.2015
ver. 2.6 - 24.05.2016
ver. 4.1 - 25.06.2015
ver. 1.1 - 02.02.2015
ver. 4.1 - 25.06.2015
ver. 1.1 - 08.01.2015
ver. 2.6 - 24.05.2016